
Ask These Questions to Reframe Your Perspective on Life

Questions for Others

My co-founder at Quest, Ron Penna, has always had a rabid aversion to discussing the weather. He’s essentially outlawed it at the company and rightfully so. The weather has entered our cultural consciousness as the standard conversation starter for one reason only: It’s an entirely safe and guaranteed area of commonality.

Forget about safe. Safe isn’t interesting or memorable. Dive right into the deep end. Instead of aiming at finding common ground as most people will advise, I say aim for insightful—with bonus points for asking people questions that they’ll be excited to answer.

Here are three questions I ask during job interviews and parties alike:

  • What’s something you find utterly fascinating?
  • What’s something about you that surprises people?
  • If you woke up tomorrow with $7.4 billion, after traveling, investing the money and giving a bunch to your family, what would you do?

Your questions say as much about you as your answers. When you ask someone a question, you’re demonstrating to them what you’re interested in and what your intentions are. When meeting new people, you want to focus on questions that are upbeat and positive and show your sincere desire to understand them better.

Hosting Inside Quest has forced me to focus on the effects of the questions we ask, and it’s shown me that questions, far more than answers, help create internal clarity and build a bond between people. By focusing on perfecting your questions’ frames of reference, you can take control of conversations with others (making them more entertaining, revealing and memorable), and most important, you can begin to orchestrate the dialogue in your own mind.

That's where the real magic happens. Simply by changing the base assumptions lying beneath your questions, you can profoundly shift the angle from which you attack the problem and create a new, positive lens through which to view the world.

Original Source: Success.com

Questions play an important part of how we understand ourselves, how we self-talk to ourselves as well. it enable individuals to re-frame their minds and perspective on life.