
10 Best Pieces
 Of Advice About Money

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10. Get Feedback
I'll never forget what Jack Canfield told me at a conference in which we shared the stage. As he pulled me aside, he gave me his serious tone: “Daniel, the major difference between bestselling authors and amateur authors is one thing: feedback.” This was his secret to selling millions of books over the last two decades.

Obtaining feedback is instrumental if you want to grow a successful business. Sometimes, great feedback can come from anywhere. It can come from your spouse, kids, neighbor, or even your mother! Often times, it comes from your worst critics, who give you the deepest version of what you need to change. Wherever you get your feedback, make the necessary changes.

To become a multimillionaire, you must cultivate these 10 secret mindsets of multimillionaire. If you do, people will notice your work and supply you with the help you need. There's no limit to what you can accomplish with a deep purpose and faith in something greater than yourself. This is at the forefront of becoming a multimillionaire. Remember, serve people and profit will come.

Original source: businessinsider

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