
This High School Kid Did An Amazing Speech After His Team Won And Never Thought It Would Become Like This… – Apollos Hester Inspiration Speech

This high school football player, Apollos Hester, was interviewed by TWC News Austin after his school (East View High School) won the football game. The Patriots triumphed over Vandegrift by one point and what's amazing about it was the post-game inspiration interview that Apollos Hester gave that caught everyone attention. It was considered the most inspiring interviews that was captured on Sports Night High School Blitz. VIDEO BY TWC NEWS AUSTIN

You can view the original inspiration post-game interview here:

The post-game interview went viral as millions of people around the world have seen it and what's really interesting was that people remixed the speech that Apollos Hester did into a few songs using the words that he used inside his inspiration speech.

One of the Remixed Song Title: Scoreboard