10 Habits Of An Optimist That’ll Help You Look On The Bright Side

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

Do you know that there are quite a number of health benefits to being an optimist? Optimistic people have been shown to have better cholesterol, handle stress smoothly and tends to have higher immunity as compared to the ones who see their glass as half empty instead of half full.

David Mezzapelle, author of “Contagious Optimism,” shares 10 tips for living more optimistically. Learn how you can pick them up in order to look at the brighter side of life.

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1. Have Gratitude
“It all starts with counting our blessings. If you are not grateful for the good things in your life, you will never be satisfied. Take inventory of the good around you. But don't neglect what's not great, either: You also need to be grateful for the hardships, the obstacles, the failures. Why? Because these are the points of wisdom in your life. They give you strength, they teach you how to persevere, and they form your resilience. Being thankful for every step makes life’s hardships surmountable. All of this is the foundation of optimism; being psyched about the good and the bad, and knowing that they all point to a bright future.”

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2. Share Your Stories
“I believe we all have the capacity to live optimistically just by sharing our life’s adventures, our successes and even our failures. Just knowing others have been in the same boat and have persevered is comforting. It spreads a message of hope, and hope is the main ingredient in optimism. When we share our stories we are giving others the tools they need to build, evolve, and persevere. In essence, mankind is always ‘paying it forward.'”


3. Forgive
“This is easier said than done but you need to forgive those that have affected your ability to find the silver linings. I believe that the easiest way to forgive and move on is to reflect on the fact that the past is the past. Just look at it this way; the person that you are having a hard time forgiving probably wishes that he or she could erase the past as well. In summary, make peace with your past so that it won't spoil the present. Once you accomplish this, you will close those chapters and live a more positive and happy life.”