10 Most Beautiful Bible Verses To Memorize And Why

Today’s life is fast paced. What the world saw in 2020, in the wake of pandemic, is truly shocking? With the uncertainty in life ever increasing, the world is bound to take a toll on our emotional, mental, and physical. Even when life seems to be going well, we often fear losing the happiness we currently have. Only the scriptures and their reminders are the secure harness through turbulence of life.
What if you make a new year’s resolution to memorize these verses and then recite them each time you feel like the world is weighing you down? The impact of the beautiful word of God on the soul is healing and soothing. Experience it yourself to know the power within these biblical verses. Although, it is much difficult to select a few out of many beautiful biblical verses, but here is why these are selected:
“He said to me, ‘My grace is enough for you, because power is made perfect in weakness.’ So I’ll gladly spend my time bragging about my weaknesses so that Christ’s power can rest on me.”
Bible ensures us in this verse that through God success can be attained. That God is enough resource for all your needs. This verse represents that life is full of hardships and moments in which the person feels subdued. However, through God comes the healing and through God comes the power to tackle and be through such testing times.
2- PETER 5:7
“Throw all your anxiety onto him, because he cares about you.”
How many times in your life have you felt completely alone? How many times in the day you allow anxious thoughts to creep into your mind and disturb your inner state of calmness? Anxiety is the leading issue affecting most adults. This beautiful verse of Bible is a healing reminder from God that your worries and thoughts are being taken care of, that he is looking after you and protecting you!