30 Fitness Blogs to see before the end of 2018

As we approach the last quarter of 2018, let us take a look at the top 30 fitness blog for us to change our body before we welcome the christmas and new year of 2019. Last 3 months to make the difference in your body and fitness level and fulfil the new year resolution that you have set out to achieve!

Our top blog lists are always a big hit on Wealthy Gorilla, so here we are again in 2017 with updated lists to give you!

As a big lover of fitness and working out, I follow a lot of great fitness blogs;

So, you know the drill. Just like we’ve done previously with the best blogs for entrepreneurs, bloggers and motivation, we’ve compiled a list of all the top fitness blogs to be following in 2017.

If you haven’t already checked out the other lists I’ve just mentioned above, I’ll leave a link to each of them at the bottom of this article so you can check them out later. For now, however, let’s get into some of the greatest fitness content on the web.

Top 30 Best Fitness Blogs 2018

Before I start dropping names, I’ve decided to leave a few of the major blog names out of the top 30 to allow room for the slightly lesser known sites to get a well deserved shout out.

1. Muscle & Brawn

Founded by Steve Shaw – Muscle & Brawn contains a lot of excellent advice on power-lifting and bodybuilding. If this is your desired area of fitness, definitely check out M&B. Steve gives solid, real advice.

2. Scooby’s Workshop

Founded by Scooby Werkstatt – Scooby’s an old school bodybuilder, and provides exactly that; solid, old school bodybuilding advice. Just a quick look at his bio shows that his body has only improved with age. He’s now 54 years old and looking better than when he was 23!

3. Brandon Carter

Founded by Brandon Carter – This is a blog I’ve been following for quite a long time. Brandon is a fitness model and let’s be honest guys, why wouldn’t you want a body like this? Brandon shares his best advice on here that he puts into action himself in his daily life.

4. Nerd Fitness

Founded by Steve Kambs – Nerd Fitness has been an authoritative fitness blog for several years now, and Steve has begun to write about working out and building muscle whilst you’re travelling the world, which is particularly interesting to myself. I’m hoping to jump on a Skype call with him later in the year.

5. Fit Bottomed Girls

Founded by Jennifer Walters & Erin Whitehead – Fit Bottomed Girls is a great fitness website specifically targeted at females, and has a couple of sister sites as well that you shouldn’t definitely take a look at!

6. A Shot of Adrenaline

Founded by Todd Kuslikis – A Shot of Adrenaline is one of my favorite calisthenics blogs as Todd has tonnes of different bodyweight exercises on the site and uses a video to physically show each one being performed. If you’re into bodyweight workouts, you need to head on over to his site now!

7. Simply Shredded

Founded by James Follacchio – Simply Shredded has become incredibly popular within the last few years; the highlight of the website being that it features tonnes of interviews with other great bodybuilders.

8. Tony Gentilcore

Founded by Tony Gentilcore – I actually only came across his blog recently, but I love the articles he’s writing! Tony is a strength coach who’s been featured in big publications on Bodybuilding.com, Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness and so on…

9. Breaking Muscle

Founded by Mindith Rahmat – Breaking Muscle is an incredible resource for all fitness enthusiasts, and has a lot of different articles on workout training and fitness knowledge to keep you satisfied.

10. Gym Talk

Founded by Henry Croft – Gym Talk had to be one of my favorite fitness blogs out of the whole list. Why? Because they add humor into the equation, and try not to take things too seriously. That being said, they feature some great advice and a lot of different supplement reviews for you to check out.