
30 Things About Life I Wish I Had Known 10 Years Ago

11. Lead the Way
When you find yourself in a situation where everyone looks at each other, it’s time for you to lead. You‘re a leader when you decide to become one. There’s no initiation or a title. Just a decision.

12. Things Are Not What They Seem
If something sounds too good to be true, it is. A little skepticism never hurts.

13. Money isn’t Important 
It really isn’t. But you have to train yourself not to care about money. Don’t become too dependent on the stuff you own — otherwise, the stuff will own you. Live below your means.

14. Be Nice
I don’t mean you should be a pushover. You can be someone that doesn’t take shit and be nice about it. Just don’t insult people, think you’re better than them, or act like an idiot.

15. Get Comfortable with being Uncomfortable
Life, work, relationships, challenges. It’s all uncomfortable. So get comfortable with that.

Keep building on your skills and sharing them with the world.

16. Learn Every Day
You’ve got to train your brain to stay alert. You don’t have to read a book a day to learn life lessons. Learn from your mistakes. Learn from the people around you — be open to what they can teach you.

17. Rest Before You Are Drained
Even if you love your job, and every day seems like a holiday, you need to take time to rest. You’re a human, not an android; never forget that.

18. Don’t Judge
Just because people make different choices than you, they are not stupid. Also, you don’t know everything about people, so don’t judge them — help them.

19. Think About Others
Just be mindful, that’s all. We all have families, bills to pay, and our own issues. Don’t always make everything about yourself.

20. Give Without Expecting Something in Return
Don’t keep score. You will become a bitter person if you do that. Give solely for the joy of giving. If you get something in return, great, if you don’t, great.

Take time to restore your mind and body so you don’t burnout.