How Tony Robbins Starts His Day

For years, Tony Robbins has been starting his mornings with a 10-minute ritual that gives him a boost of energy and prepares him for the day.
Tony is the world's most famous life and business coach and is as busy as ever, averaging 60 events each year. He developed priming as a way to maintain his energy and focus. The routine, which involves a forceful breathing exercise and visualization of light pouring through your head, can seem pretty wild, but it's a slightly adapted version of a yoga technique called Kapalabhati Pranayama breathing and Buddhist mindfulness meditation.
The video is created by Business Insider and was filmed on a trip to Robbins' Fiji resort Namale, where he was hosting the winners of Shopify's Build a Bigger Business competition, he showed Business Insider how to perform what he calls “priming.”
If you feel the above video is useful, you might want to start practicing this priming method every morning when you first wake up.
You can follow the following video to understand it more.
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