Inspiring Olympic Story – Slovenian Petra Majdic Refused To Give Up

We all tend to give up easily once we encounter just the slightest difficulties. Olympic medallists, however, are given that priviledge title because they don't. Don't give up! Muscle pains, breathlessness, illnesses, and even fractured bones can't stop a world class athlete from going for the honor!
Today, we are sharing with you the Olympic story of Slovenian athlete Petra Majdic who fell 10 feet at Olympics 2010 in Vancouver, hit a rock and suffered 5 broken ribs. She refused to quit, urging volunteers to take her to the starting line. She fought the pain throughout qualifications and into the semi-finals. During the semi-final, one of her broken ribs cracked apart and punctured her lung. But she never gave up! During the final Petra Majdic did this and won bronze medal!
The finishing line is there! Now is not the time to stop, not when the goal is in sight! Every pain and hardship you endure now will all be worth it once you reach your goal!
In life, you have set your goals and do you give up so easily when you can see your goal in reach? Let this story of Petra Majdic inspire you towards achieving what you want in life. Remember don't give up so easily unless it is not worth your time pursuing it.
If this story has inspired you, give us a comment and share it with us how it inspired you in any certain way.